“There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood in 1964, led on to fame for Lyndon Baines Johnson. From that November afternoon when he made it clear that the torch of continuity was safe in his hands to that November night nearly a year later when he won the biggest election triumph in history, it was his year-his to act in, his to mold, his to dominate. And dominate it he did. “
—From the January 1, 1965 issue of TIME magazine
“More than ever before in an era of material wellbeing, the nation’s discontent was focused upon its President. The man in the White House is at once the chief repository of the nation’s aspirations and the supreme scapegoat for its frustrations. As such, Lyndon Johnson was the topic of TV talk shows and cocktail-party conversations, the obsession of pundits and politicians at home and abroad, of businessmen and scholars, cartoonists and ordinary citizens throughout 1967. Inescapably, he was the Man of the Year.”
—From the January 5, 1968 issue of TIME magazine