The 2012 Teddy Awards for Political Courage

It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by

On Foreign Policy, Why Barack is Like Ike

One of the least controversial judgments about Barack Obama’s first term is that he has been a good foreign policy President. Certainly that’s what the American public believes. It has given him high marks on overseas affairs …

The Year in Quotes


‘Now is the time to act or get stuck with a bland, boring career politician who will lose to Barack Obama.’
RICK SANTORUM, former U.S. Senator, during the Republican primary


‘My husband cannot f—ing …

The Year in Kims

One controls the media, the other is the leader of North Korea. Other than that, Kim Kardashian and Kim Jong Un have a lot in common

The Year in Things

The definitive robot, recall, painting, pregnancy, IPO, blackout and reunion, plus 19 more top things of 2012

The Year in Highlights

Influential figures in culture, tech and more reveal what rocked their industries — and hint at good things to come

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