Our guide to the winners and losers of 2012
Changing Faces
A demographic revolution is altering the political playbooks of both parties
Head Of Her Class: A Look at Malala’s School Work
Malala Yousafzai’s teachers praise her as a top student and she regularly got such high marks that her father sometimes withdrew her from academic competitions so that other students would have a chance.
The following images …
The Year in Social Media
The Decider
Don’t take our word for it. Choose your own Person of the Year
The Year in Odd Couples
Two sides to 2012’s viral stories
The Year in 15 Minutes of Fame
Video villains, manic moms and science nerds who (fleetingly) made us look
The Next America
Against the odds, the president built a new majority
Four Years of Speeches, One Signature Phrase
President Obama is known for his eloquent speeches, but above all, he just wants to be clear
The Malala Effect: Dreaming of a University Degree
On any given weekday morning, the streets of Mingora, Pakistan are thronged with schoolgirls on their way to class, dressed in the typical uniform of white loose trousers topped by a long colored tunic and white headscarf. They …