A Colorado mom who listens to way too much NPR and is very much a 21st century parent simultaneously soothed her sobbing 4-year-old daughter Abby and videotaped her for YouTube as she wailed, “I’m tired of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney!” NPR apologized for overcoverage of the election and then overcovered the “Bronco Bama” girl.
The Year in 15 Minutes of Fame
Video villains, manic moms and science nerds who (fleetingly) made us look
13. “Bronco Bama” Girl
Full List
15 Minutes of Fame
- 1. Replacement Refs
- 2. Kony 2012
- 3. Fox News decision desk data cruncher Arnon Mishkin
- 4. Greg Smith
- 5. Mayor Bloomberg’s Interpreter
- 6. NASA Mohawk Guy
- 7. Aly Raisman’s Mom
- 8. Shirtless FBI Guy
- 9. Rafalca
- 10. Angelina’s Right Leg
- 11. Clint Eastwood’s Chair
- 12. “Zou Bisou Bisou”
- 13. “Bronco Bama” Girl
- 14. 138-Point Guy
- 15. Tanning Mom